2005-03-11 雨のち曇り,風強し,花粉少なめ [長年日記]
_1 SUSE Linux Professional 9.3
それにしても新しいな.Kernel 2.6.11にGNOME 2.10,OpenOffice.org2.0やろ,絶対テストしてねぇな.まともに動くんだろうか.
_2 Migrating from x86 to PowerPC, Part 3: Kuro Box Linux up close
先日Gentoo Linux Newsletterでも玄箱が触れられてたが,今度はIBMか.一回遊んでみたいところ.
このMigrating from x86 to PowerPCの連載はちょっと興味あるな.まとめてメモ.
- Migrating from x86 to PowerPC, Part 1: Robots and networked appliances on a shoestring
- Low-cost real-time development with Linux on PowerPC
- Migrating from x86 to PowerPC, Part 2: Anatomy of the Linux boot process
- Design notes for hardware and firmware involved in booting embedded Linux
_3 LinuxPlanet - News - Fujitsu Readies Linux Mainframe for Later This Year - Coming Into Mainframes
和訳 (japan.internet.com) 会社の人に教えてもらった.メモ.
_4 正規表現